Sunday 15 November 2015

6000+ Wow.....Thank you, Merci, Takk, Shukraan, Danke, Terima kasih, Dhan'yavāda :) ♥

Hello there,

6000 more hits? Wow.....I am so touched, without support from those who know me, I don't think I would have been able to carry on with this blog.  More so what amazes me is the demographics of where you all are....Norway, Indonesia, Canada, US, Egypt, Germany, France, Ireland, India and many more places that surprise me when I see them on the map...It means so much to me and always makes me smile. :)

Saying this, my UK family have been telling me to write more! More often! So here I am again, and I guess with my turn around this year, I made myself stick to a 2015 mantra:
I can thankfully say that this year I have ticked each and every one of them....I have realised that this year was not all about finding a husband, this year was more about me finding myself.  And by the grace of the one above I have been so lucky and blessed.

To be surrounded by long life friends, work friends who I consider like family, my own loving family and more so, re-connecting with old friends.  To be able to spend time with family members who live thousands of miles away. Being the chance to appreciate that time with them instead of pondering about the time alone I have.  I made it my mission to fill every gap and space of time, thought process with something loving, fun and ended up creating more happy loving memories.  There had been a few times this did not always work, but you know what? I took note of it and ensured that it would not happen again and if anything added what ever I had missed out on to my list for next year.

It always seems to be about this time of year that I think about how this year has been and the possibilities of next year....I guess a bit like Del Boy saying to Rodney from Only Fools and Horses: ''This time next year we shall be millionaires''...In my case ''This time next year I would have found someone!''.  But now I am thinking, where will I have visited by this time next year??

One thing I know is that no relationship can be boxed and I am talking from the starting process...However you meet, however you get to know one another, if you are able to spend time or not.....It comes down to having a connection with someone and seeing where it goes.  The time and effort that is put in and taking each day at a time is the key to knowing.  I think this is why I have taken myself offline, everything is focused on social media these days.  With all the apps that you can follow people on, its become quite a focal point. People judge by photos, posts, activity notifications...these are just images that are created.  This is not the person you are getting to know.  I'm quite old fashioned in the sense that if something is meant to be, it shall be.  It will be whole heartedly for you and nothing can stop it.  I believe everything is written for a purpose. When I look back in general, I have been able to help others and be there for them because I was meant to be.  If I was married had kids, I don't think I would have been able to be there, but I just happened to be and that was my destiny to be.

One thing that I am adding for my mantra is not letting opportunities go, I know I let a few slip this year and this is a big lesson that I had to learn myself and the hard way.  At the same time if an opportunity is to come I shall know that it was meant to be for me.  But if you ever get a change for whatever it is and your gut instinct tells you to go for something...just do it.  A life should not be lived with regrets, you learn from it and strive forwards.

I don't know where my journey will take me next, but knowing that I have your support and reading this brings me joy already. :)

In the mean time I am going to continue to do the things that make me happy, continue to be an idiot - for those who know me well know I never take myself seriously with my ''I woke up like this crazy hair sefies'' to my singing voice notes I hound  and bombard them with......(someone told me I like to laugh a lot.....yeah I do actually part of this years mantra!).  The key is to make yourself happy and everything else with follow.....

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